Well, lets start with a picture of my new eyes and new eyebrows. I got some hip new eyeglasses and got my eyebrows waxed (gasp, yes I really did!). This is a picture I took on my cell phone of myself. . .
Hmmmm, what else? Oh here's some exciting news . . . as of today I've lost 41 pounds!!! Yes, you read that right, 41# since coming to DC! My goal is to lose 2 more pounds and maintain that through the Christmas holidays. I'm working hard to stay off the sugar, and let me tell you, the sugar is *everywhere* right now, but its totally worth it! Go me!
More great news: I got my Florida OT license! So I will be heading to sunny Florida for my next assignment. I'm hoping to be close to one of my best friends, Ann, in West Melbourne. I should get the list of the current traveler openings on Monday and we start working on a new job for me from there.
Even more exciting news: I've been asked to join the Design Team at my favorite scrapbook store, Scrappersaurus. What does this mean? Well, they send me goodies to play with and create with, then I send back what I've made to be displayed in the store and online to help customers get ideas of what to do with various items! Its quite an honor and I'm so excited. I've already gotten my first 2 boxes of goodies and I have been working hard on some really neat layouts and projects. I love it because its making me think out of the box as well as reinvigorating my love of scrapbooking, stamping and papercrafting.
It's brrrr cold up here in DC right now. The high today was 45 and there was/is freezing rain north and west of here. There is a 30% chance of snow showers one day later this week, yikes! Only 4 more weeks for me to avoid winter precipitation! Pray for no snow or ice before January 2008!
Ok, time to make some dinner. Stay warm, or for those of you sweating it out in the south, stay cool! And GEAUX TIGERS!!!
OMG Chris!!! I can totally see how much weight you've lost in that picture! You look fantastic! I'm so proud of you. I know how hard you're working at it. Keep it up, even when things don't always go the way you want them to. It eventually pays off, and when it does, you'll look back and say, yeah, it was all WORTH IT!!!
Love you!
41 pounds is an amazing amount. Some of the Biggest Loser chicks would be jealous if they new and they get to work out/eat right all day long with little else to do. We are SO proud of you. Keep it up and SWEET eyes too!
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