Right before I left California to begin my journey back to the east, two of my best friends got married. I was so blessed to be able to attend the wedding. I was honored to be asked to participate as part of their family of choice. I met Corky and Dakota in an online support group for survivors of childhood sexual abuse way back in 1995. They have actually been together as a couple for 12 years. And they were LEGALLY married on August 30, 2008. Although they are now legally married, they do not enjoy all the rights and privileges pertaining thereto. I don't profess to understand the legal wranglings, but I do know its just not fair.
I've been called naive and liberal for my beliefs. Which just makes me laugh as I consider the liberal label as a complement. Naive? Maybe so. I've never been in love. I've never even come close. But, yes, in my (possibly naive) way of thinking, if two adults love each other and are committed to a life together, who the heck cares what color, religion, race, sex, nationality, etc they are? If two adults are LUCKY enough to have a connection that seems rare in our world today, why should any of those things matter?
I truly did not intend this post to turn into a diatribe about gay marriage. My two friends love each other. And I love them both. I am so proud of them for embracing this chance at legal marriage.
Congratulations Corky and Dakota! May your lives together be long and full of life. And may you live to see yourself and other couples like you be granted not only the right to marry, but also be granted the rights and privileges pertaining thereto.
We love you too.
I completely agree with you, Chris. You really can't help who you fall in love with, and I, too, feel it is unfair for society to dictate who that person should be. True love--heck, even true FRIENDSHIP--is a rare thing, indeed, and I am so happy for them. Please give them my congratulations and well wishes. I have several same-sex married couples that I consider close friends, and I feel blessed to be in their company, for they are the "real" people. They are unafraid to be who they really are inside, and I'm proud to know them and be close to them. Long live the rainbow family!!!
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