Saturday, January 12, 2008

On the mend . . .

I'm on the mend. Feeling better and stronger everyday. Hard to believe its already been a week since my surgery. I'm still sore and moving slow at times, but today I am really getting glimpses of feeling more like myself.

I'm incredibly thankful to one of my best friends, Ann, and her husband Fred for taking me into their home to recuperate. I've spent the last week sleeping, moving from the bed to the recliner, staring at the tv and the computer, and taking short outings with Ann.

It's sunny and 83 degrees here today! The AC is definitely ON!

I want to say thanks to all of you who have called/written/commented on this blog. I'm doing great, but I still appreciate the prayers and positive energy to continue my healing. And to find a new position once I am healed. Yes, the spot I came here for has been filled in my absence. The good news is that 3 more opened up this week. So I'm feeling confident that there will be a place for me once I am released to work and feel 100% able to do my job well.

I'll try to blog again soon!

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