Sunday, May 18, 2008

Ready to hit the road!

Well,almost . . .

I survived being a single aunt of 3 kids for 4 days. These kids are the best. I have so many new memories with them from this weekend. Richard offered to buy me lunch from his school and bring it home to me and when I refused, he made me cereal for breakfast instead! Lucas slept in my room 2 nights and Richard 1 night. Jacqueline is so full of new words and so determined to be grown up already. She has the sweetest smile with a head tilt and clasping of the hands when she asks for a treat at the end of a meal. Lucas still loves to do crafts and asked me several times a day when we could do crafts. We played Webkinz, both with the stuffed animals and online. We watched Madagascar, ScoobyDoo and Caillou. It was a great weekend. I'm exhausted!

I unpacked the backseat of my car and repacked it to make room for Ann's luggage. I unpacked the front seat to make room for Ann! LOL! I'm leaving some clothes that don't fit and my winter stuff, here in DC. My brother has a little section of his attic for my stuff. It's a growing section. The more I travel the more I realize I don't need as much as I always bring. And I've been working on consolidating each time I move.

I've done tons of research for this trip. But with all the mayhem taking care of the kids I haven't printed any of it out yet. I'm hoping tomorrow to print out a few things on the laptop downstairs. If not we will wing it!

The car is mostly packed and I will be picking up Ann from the airport tomorrow afternoon. I can't believe I am driving cross country starting tomorrow. Sometimes this traveling gig feels surreal to me. It's been a year and a half and I'm still loving it. I cant' wait to see what comes next. Who will I meet? What new friends will I walk away from this assignment with? What new memories will I add to my life?

Wish me luck and send me safe travel prayers! I will blog as I can to let you know of the grand adventure!

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